Halloween NON-Sweets for Trick-of-Treaters

Halloween is almost here. While this may mean a frightfully good time with dressing up, eating yummy food, and trick or treating, it doesn’t have to be a terror on your teeth. While most people reach for the bags of candy to pass out to trick-or-treaters, our pediatric dentist in Sugar Land, Texas has a few alternative ideas for you.
In a 2013 Oral Health Survey conducted by Delta Dental, it was found that 22% of people pass out toys for Halloween. Whether you choose tops, jacks, or some other fun trinket, passing out toys is a great way to save the neighborhood kids’ teeth. Give them something fun to enjoy and rest easy that they won’t come back to pull a prank because your stiffed them on their goodies.
While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when preparing for an influx of trick-or-treaters, giving fruit is becoming a more popular option. In fact, the same Delta Dental survey found that 15% of homes are passing out sweets in the form of bananas, oranges, or even dried fruit bags with strawberries or cherries.
While it may make you the most popular home on the block if people know you are handing out money, it doesn’t have to break your bank. The 13% of people giving money to trick or treaters say it extends past cash and can include gift cards to popular restaurants, shopping centers, or even a local candy store.
A more practical choice than candy, 11% of those surveyed choose to hand out pencils and/or erasers for Halloween. This allows children to carry the fun of trick-or-treating with them as they complete their school work, without the feared sugar crash that comes with more traditional choices.
Tattoos, Stickers & Other Ideas
Many homes are also choosing to go for temporary tattoos, stickers, or some other gift all together. Your pediatric dentist in Sugar Land, Texas may even opt to pass out dental floss, toothbrushes, small bottles of mouthwash or other items to encourage oral health after the candy.Whatever you choose to pass out the neighborhood kids on Halloween, pediatric dentists in Sugar Land encourage you to think outside the candy wrapper and choose a less traditional- but easier on the teeth-treat.